Industrial buildings

Uzina de vopsire si asamblare a bicicletelor

Painting and assembly bicycles factory (Chisinau, Moldova)

Reconstructia sectiei de marochinarie

Department of producing leather (Chisinau, Moldova)

Fish processing factory (Chisinau, Moldova)

Sectie de coltunasi

Section for producing dumplings (Moldova)

Depozit agricol

Agricultural Storage (Moldova)

Casa agricola

Farmhouse (Moldova)

Fabrica de haine

Clothing factory (Moldova)

Complex frigorific

Cold storage (Moldova)

Сomplex de prelucrare si uscare a culturilor agricole

Сomplex of processing and drying of crops (Moldova)

Complex de producere a sclareolului

The site for the production of sclareol (Moldova)


Boiler house (Moldova)


Reconstruction of the factory "BUCURIA" (Chisinau, Moldova)

Bloc comunal

Industrial building (Floreni, Anenii Noi, Moldova)

Fabrica de pasari

Poultry factory with the slaughterhouse (Moldova)

Cutting, freezing and meat processing building (Moldova)

Cured meat factory (Moldova)

Atelier de reparatii

Repair shop (Moldova)

Statie de epurare

Cleaning station (Moldova)

Punct de trecere

Checkpoint building (Balti, Moldova)


Renovation of the warehouse facade (Moldova)